Thursday, July 11, 2019


Capitol D and lowercase d

Capitol D was pretty straightforward: center rectangle, but make sure you get the parts on in the right order.  I snowballed on the corners and declared it done–my fastest yet.  I had fun choosing the fabric and fussy cutting the center. There may not be as strong as contrast in the fabrics as the others, but I think it will work okay.

This pop bottle fabric is directional, so you have to watch out for that.  

The lowercase d ate too many pieces of chocolate and ballooned way out of size.  I also didn't like the proportions of the stem to the circular part, also known as a "counter."  The real definition is:

I made the lower edge strip fatter, and changed the proportions.

d is for D.C. Dots and Dithers and Doleket

D. C. Dots and Dithers, (No. 60), from here

Doleket, (No. 113), from here