Thursday, July 11, 2019


Uppercase and Lowercase F/f 

I start by cutting my strips 1 1/2″ wide, laying them out like I think a lowercase f should look.

First up is the construction of the HST in the upper corner, using scissors as I go.  I find that in wonky quilting, scissors often can be more helpful than always getting up to the workspace and using a rotary cutter. I cut off the corner and pressed it to the dark.

I’ve joined up the sections.  I always press so that the dark letter part of the block sits “on top” of the background–that means pressing always to the dark.  It kind of looks more "f"-ey now.

This is lovely skinny little letter–easy, peasy.

Remembering the hassles I had when I kept making my capitol E too small, I laid out with 2 1/2″ strips of fabric, with a 4″ by 4 1/2″ block in that lower right. I know I can always trim them down.

I trim as I go–that center arm (remember your typography terms) became narrower, maybe it’s now about 1 1/4″–I didn’t really measure but went by how it looked.

Trimmed and ready to join the stem, or the straight vertical stroke, of the F.

Almost there.

I used my E as a comparison as I went.  Here is my F, before trimming.

And all trimmed up.

I could probably spell something now, I think. Bed. Cafe. Fad. Ace.  Need to keep going so I can spell bigger words.

f is for fold, fat quarter, foundation paper piecing and free motion-quilting, Fiat Lux, Flying Through a Rainbow, and Field Flowers

Fiat Lux, (No. 57)

Flying Through a Rainbow mini quilt, (No. 153), from here

Field Flowers, (No. 222), from here