Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Capitol U and lowercase u

Using the dimensions shown on the ruler (adding seam allowances), cut a center rectangle, then sew on a piece from a 2" strip.  Sew a piece from your 2" wide strip on each side.  Add snowball corners on lower left and right corners.

Now, repeat this, using smaller measurements and 1 1/2" wide strips for the lowercase u.

That wasn’t hard, was it?  

Elizabeth’s Utility Quilt, from here (No. 37) and more here

I took this class from Roberta Horton while in Houston (a peak experience).  We couldn’t use rulers, but could use our rotary cutters; however, scissors were preferred.  In addition, we were also to purposely invert one part of the block, a la Gee’s Bend quilts, which Horton called “utility quilts.’  Another tricky bit was that we had to use the bit of fabric — a bit of ugly fabric — that she brought for each of us.  Wonky was the operative word, although that word wasn’t really in use much at that time.